Countertop & Interior Design Blog Singapore

Budget-Friendly Overhaul, Home, Kitchen, Countertop

4 Fun Budget-Friendly Overhaul Methods For Home Countertops

Budget-friendly overhaul for home countertops are very much possible and can be done based on various different financial requirements. Here are 4 of the most popular ways for a countertop overhaul.   Budget-Friendly Overhaul #1: Using Simple Paint Kits Paint kits are a very popular, inexpensive way of renewing countertops, offering owners an entirely different look without the huge investment. Most kits contain a special primer, paint and sealant with…

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Kitchen Island, Home Space, Choice, Must Haves

Kitchen Island: 5 Top Elements That Are Essential In The Home Space

Kitchen island, when installed in homes requires a certain amount of consideration to make it a well placed and functioning element. Here are 5 top elements that should be paid attention to when it comes to the installation of kitchen islands. Kitchen Island #1: Well Planned Layout The essence of any kitchen island is its functional layout which should be helpful in maximising the efficiency and workability of the space…

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