Countertop & Interior Design Blog Singapore

Aura Sink For Your Kitchen By Stone Amperor

Aura Sink: Everything You Need to Know

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Introducing the Aura Sink.   Have you or your loved ones ever encountered water leakage in your home? Or are you still oblivious to how that mysterious puddle of water got there?   The majority of homeowners are unaware that they have a leakage, not until the odour hits them right in the nostril that is. While numerous factors could contribute to the smell, we’d hazard a guess that water…

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Undermount Sink

How to Install an Undermount Kitchen Sink | Stone Amperor

Stone Amperor offers a wide range of sink sizes and configurations to fit the needs of every homeowner. In this blog post, we'll talk about how to install an undermount sink onto a granite countertop (always be sure to follow any specific installation instructions provided by your countertop manufacturer).      1. Preparation Gather the right tools for the job. For safety and ease, Stone Amperor recommends using the following: a…

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